Transition Services for Aging Out Foster Youth - AB 12

AB 12 - Transition Services for Aging out Foster Youth

AB12 - Extended Foster Care Services
AB 12 extends foster care services for transitional age foster youth from age 18 to age 22. Remaining in foster care past 18 is voluntary, and after the age 18 a foster youth can exit at any time however, these services are available to youth who would like to take advantage of these additional support and services. 
Transition Services to Support College and Career Fact Sheet:

Independent Living Skills Program:


Resources for aging out Foster Youth:


Foster Youth Resources through RCOE:


AB 12 Eligibility


The youth must:

1) Sign a mutual agreement with the county child welfare or probation agency or tribe that has an IV-E agreement with the state for supervision and support,

2) continue under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court as a dependent or a ward,

3) meet one of the five participation conditions, and

4) agree to live in a supervised placement that is licensed or approved under new standards for 18 to 21 years.


AB 12-Extended Foster Care

  • Participation in foster care after age 18 under AB 12 is voluntary
  • Youth may decide to exit at anytime before they turn age 21
  • Youth have the option to return before they turn 21 through trial independence
California Fostering Connections to Success Act (AB 12) Extending Foster Care Benefits FACT SHEET
Foster Placement Options
Eligible placement options for youth after age 18 include:
  • Home of a relative or non-related extended family member; licensed foster family home; certified foster family agency home, or home of a non-related legal guardian.
  • THP-Plus Foster Care. This is a new placement option which is being developed that will be modeled after the existing THP-Plus program. 
  • Supervised Independent Living setting. This is a new placement option and may include an apartment (with or without a roommate), room and board arrangements or college dorms. The placements will be approved and supervised by the county and non-minor dependents may be able to receive payments directly under this option.
  • Group home placement can continue until age 19 or until the non-minor dependent graduates from High school, whichever occurs sooner. Youth who meet eligibility criteria #5 (medical conditions) are permitted to remain in a group home after age 19 or high school graduation.
Additional Information
  • Youth who are custodial parents have the same rights to participate in foster care after age 18 as all other youth.
  • Dual agency and supplemental rates will continue on behalf of youth who are consumers of Regional Center services.
  • New licensing and approval standards are being developed for those placements that are providing for a non-minor dependent.
  • Former foster youth adopted at or after age 16, who meet the criteria, may be eligible for extended Adoption Assistance Payments.
  • Former foster youth who enter guardianship with a relative at or after age 16, who meet the criteria, may be eligible for extended Kin-Gap payments.
This fact sheet summarizes the key elements of AB12 as passed by law. 
Reference for FACT SHEET - cafosteringconnections