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Special Education


Beaumont Unified School District is committed to identifying, locating, and assessing all students within the District from birth through 21 years of age who may have disabilities, and providing appropriate support and/or related services to those students determined eligible by an educational evaluation.


We are dedicated to providing eligible Students with Disabilities a free and appropriate public education consistent with federal and state laws. For information call 951.797.5379 or email [email protected]

These services are provided based on the individual needs of the student. After a team, comprised of educational professionals and the parent(s), determines a students’ unique needs and considers a variety of factors, an Individual Education Program (IEP) is created. An IEP is a legal document that describes how Beaumont Unified School District provides services to a student with exceptional needs. Special Education support and services are provided under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004)
Beaumont Unified School District offers a continuum of special education services.
Such options include: 
  • General education with special education supports and services at every site.
  • Special day classes, located at specific sites across the district.
  • Special schools: California School for the Deaf & California School for the Blind
  • Nonpublic schools (most restrictive placement requirements)
  • Home/Hospital
Additionally, the IEP team considers and determines if a student is in need of related services such as speech/language therapy, occupational therapy, adaptive physical education, and mobility training. If a student needs such services to benefit from the educational program, it is included in the student’s IEP.

Every Child is Entitled to a Free Appropriate Public Education

Local Educational Agencies (LEA) within the Riverside County Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA)
offer programs for youngsters, between the ages of birth and 21 years of age, who have:
 Communication problems
 Learning difficulties
 Physical disabilities
 Severe disabilities

If you think your child needs special help in school, call his/her school or district
Office of Special Education at 951-797-5379.
Las Agencias Locales de Educación (LEA) dentro del Plan de Educación Especial del Área Local del Condado de Riverside (SELPA) ofrecen programas a niños desde el nacimiento hasta los 21 años de edad y que tienen:
 Problemas de comunicación
 Dificultades en el Aprendizaje
 Discapacidades físicas
 Discapacidades severas

Si usted cree que su niño necesita ayuda especial en la escuela, llame a su escuela u oficina de educación
especial del distrito al número apropiado de la siguiente lista. 951-797-5379

IDEA’s Categories of Disability




Hearing impairment

Intellectual disabilities

Multiple disabilities

Orthopedic impairment

Other health impairment

Serious emotional disturbance

Specific learning disability

Speech or language impairment

Traumatic brain injury

Visual impairment, including blindness