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Health Services & Immunizations

Student Mask Exemption Waiver
maskIn connection with the COVID-19 pandemic and to protect the health and safety of our school community, Per the latest Federal, state, and local guidance, the Beaumont Unified School District will require students to wear face coverings when attending in-person learning on campus. The District recognizes that some students have medical conditions or disabilities that prevent them from wearing a face mask or other face covering. This form should be used by parents/guardians who are seeking an exemption to this requirement. It is important to note that in order to receive a medical or disability-related exemption, the medical condition or disability must prevent the student from wearing a face covering.
In order to receive an exemption from applicable face-covering requirements and return to in-person learning, this form must be completely filled out by the parent/guardian and the student's physician and returned to your school site. 

BUSD Mask Exemption Form


Apple with School Nurse Hat
Amie Hanley, BSN, RN, CPEN, SNSC-S
[email protected] work #-(951) 845-9579 Ext.134321, Fax # (951)845-0496,
Office Hours 7:30 am-3:30 pm
Sites Serviced: Palm Innovation Academy, Brookside Elementary, Sundance Elementary, Three Rings Ranch Elementary, Tournament Hills Elementary, Mt. View Middle School, and Highland Charter Academy.
Cecilia Keegan, RN
[email protected] work # (951) 845-9573, Fax # (951) 845-0496
Office Hourse 7:30 am - 3:30 pm
Sites Serviced: Anna Hause Elementary, Starlight Elementary, Summerwind Trails, San Gorgonio Middle School, Beaumont High School, and Glen View High School.
On behalf of the Beaumont Unified School District (BUSD), we would like to take this opportunity to explain the role of Health Services and to ask for your help in our work with your children.
What does a School Nurse Do? 
The School Nurse is a part of the educational team. They participate in mandated screenings by the state, develop various types of care plans for chronic and acute conditions, organize and implement staff trainings, develop health reports for special education students and assist parents with reaching out to doctors. School nurses are also a part of the Student Attendance Response Team and they develop letters to be sent out to parents for communicable diseases. School nurses have a student-centered approach for care coordination using standards of practice, quality improvement, and leadership along with involving the community and public health (NASN, 2016).
Student Education Topics
Puberty training is done for all 5th graders (whose parents haven’t opted out) during the spring of each school year.
Staff Training/Education Topics
  • Health/Attendance clerks are trained annually by the district nurses on diabetes, asthma, and allergies.
  • Medication administration is reviewed and hands-on skills are checked off.
  • Seizure training is completed with all staff who works with students with seizures on an annual basis.
  • Training on signs/symptoms of high and low blood sugars is done for teachers and administration at schools with diabetic students.
  • G-tube bolus feeding training on a case by case basis.
Students with Special Health Needs        
If your child has any special health needs this should be communicated to the District Nurse or health clerk.  This information is kept confidential and it can be very important to a successful school experience. 
Examples of such needs are as follows:
  • Food Allergy
  • Bee sting allergy
  • Allergy to any other substance
  • Difficulty with vision, hearing, speech
  • Need for medication during the school day
  • Medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, seizures, and others.
  • Need for special aids such as crutches, walkers/wheelchairs, either temporary or permanent. These types of equipment, when used in school, must have a written statement/prescription from the physician. All equipment must be provided by parents/guardians.
  • Need for specialized physical health care procedures such as tube feedings, catheterization, nebulizer use, etc. These procedures, when performed in school, must have a written statement/prescription from the physician. All supplies must be provided by parents/guardians.
Medication in School
Every effort should be made to administer medication at home; however, if your physician feels that medication is necessary during the school day, please submit a completed Beaumont USD Medication form to your child’s school. The form must be completed by both physician and parent before medication is brought to school. 
A new form must be filled out for each medication and must be renewed each school year. Administration of medication during the school day is permitted only with written directions from the health care provider and the parent/guardian. This includes over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol. The medication must be in the original container professionally labeled by the pharmacist for this purpose.
Students are not allowed to carry medication of any kind on their person, or to take medication without official written direction from physician and parent. Students are permitted to carry and self-administer metered-dose inhalers with the written permission of their physician, parent/guardian, and submission of this permission using the
Emergency Telephone Numbers
The importance of current Emergency Numbers must be stressed.  It is essential, for the protection of our students, to be able to reach someone in case of emergency. Please update your emergency contact numbers in your parent portal account.
It is important for you to notify the Health /Attendance office on the first day your child is absent from school.  Such information enables us to observe patterns of illness and to be of service to you and your child if the need arises.
Screening Procedures
Per California state law, students in various grades are screened yearly for visual acuity, hearing, and scoliosis. Hearing and Vision screenings are done on Kindergarten, 2nd, 5th, and 8th-grade students. Screenings are usually held in the fall and are done with a contracted agency. Hearing and vision screenings are also done on special education students for their initial IEP and their 3-year evaluation. Parents/Guardians are informed of any abnormal findings by parent notification letters.
Communicable Disease
Your child should be kept at home when he/she has a disease such as impetigo, pink eye, chickenpox, head lice, flu, or any other communicable disease.  Your cooperation will help prevent the spread of these diseases.  Please contact the school nurse for further information on particular diseases. 
Little boy sitting on a immunization shot needleImmunizations/Physical Exams
California School Immunization Law requires all students K-12 to be immunized against diphtheria, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B, and varicella (chickenpox). Students must meet the minimum age for initial vaccination and the minimum interval between vaccine doses as a requirement for entry. Your child may be excluded from school when any of the above requirements are not met.
School physical examinations are required for TK/Kindergarten entry or first grade who did not attend kindergarten. An oral (dental) health assessment is also required in kindergarten or first grade, whichever is his/her first year of public school. For more information, please review the materials below:
Vaccine 4-17 Years old 7th Grade
Polio (IPV)
4 Doses
(3 doses if one was given on or after the fourth birthday)
5 Doses
( 4 doses if one was given on or after the fourth birthday; 3 doses if the last dose was given after the seventh birthday)
1 Dose
(Or DTP/DTaP given on or after the seventh birthday)
2 Doses
(Only doses administered on or after first birthday meet the requirement)
Hepatitis B 3 Doses  
Varicella (chickenpox) 2 Doses
             2 doses
(if not already received)


ALL IN For Health has designed a new tool to help families keep track of their child's basic medical information—like doctors' phone numbers, prescriptions, and allergies. Pass out this handy card to families with the Get Care Flyer and watch them reach their preventive health goals.

For more information, visit
Resources for Chronic Health Conditions

American Diabetes Association 

American Academy of Pediatrics 

Centers for Disease Control 

Epilepsy Foundation 

Asthma & Allergy Foundation 

Food Allergy Research & Education