Departments and Sub Departments » Maintenance & Operations & Transportation » Transportation


A child with a backpack walking onto a school bus parked on the street.
The Beaumont Unified School District Transportation Department supports provides safe and efficient transportation for students and seeks to sustain trust with our parents as well as the members of our community.
  • TK and Kinder students are not eligible for PM Home Transportation on Early Release Wednesdays and Minimum Days.
  • All TK students are eligible for transportation when accompanied by an older sibling while riding the school bus.
  • You will receive an email once the application has been approved and the fee schedule has been determined.
  • Payments can be made online once the application has been approved. The link for online payment will be provided in the email.
  • To pay by cash, check or money order, payment is accepted in the Business Services Department at the Education Support Facility located at 350 W. Brookside Ave., Beaumont, CA 92223. Make checks or money orders payable to Beaumont Unified School District. 
  • All bus passes will be issued, by the driver, after the application has been finalized and fees have been paid.
  • If you believe you may qualify for free or reduced transportation, please visit the Child Nutrition Services webpage and take a moment to verify your 2022-23 Qualifying Household Information BEFORE completing a bus pass application.

Contact Us | 1001 Cougar Way, Beaumont, CA 92223
Phone 951-845-3010