Departments and Sub Departments » Dual Language Immersion Program » Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the Language Assessment examination?
The Language Assessment examination is used to understand the level a student understands a specific language. The program requires a specific balance of Spanish and English speakers to work, so this helps us with student placement and acceptance into the program.
Can my child enroll into the Dual Language Immersion Program if they are not enrolled in the Beaumont Unified School District?
Unfortunately, no. All students must be enrolled into the Beaumont School District to apply.
What if I forgot to sign the acceptance letter by the due date?
We understand mistakes happen. However, due to the high demand of the program, we cannot delay the process. Therefore, late submissions will not be accepted. You will be placed on a waitlist.
My child is already enrolled in Beaumont Unified School District. Do they need to be enrolled again?
No. If your child is already enrolled, they should NOT enroll into the District again.
When will I find out if my child is accepted into the program?
You will receive an email in mid-June if your child is placed into the program. Next, you will receive a letter that must be signed and returned electronically.
Why should my child attend if they already speak Spanish?
The Dual Language Immersion program extends beyond just learning to speak a language. It also focuses on writing and reading in two languages at advanced levels.
Isn't Kindergarten too early to learn a second language?
Young children are more likely to learn a second language with less difficulty than adults. In this way, it is never too late to learn a new language, but it is always better to be early.
Why are we teaching children two languages, when they only need to know English?
The U.S. has no official language and we are quickly becoming a globally diverse world. Having the skills to speak more than one language can give your child a competitive edge.