Homeless Support

Homeless Support

Definition of Homeless

A student that is defined as homeless is a child without a regular, fixed, and adequate nighttime residence. The child may live in a shelter, a temporary home, a motel, a car, a campground, or on the street. Homeless children may also be living temporarily with relatives or friends because of a loss of permanent housing.


McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act ensures that homeless children and youth, including preschoolers, have equal access to the same free, appropriate educational programs as other children and youth. This federal law mandates the elimination of educational barriers facing homeless children and youth, to increase school stability and protect students from discrimination. Under this legislation, homeless children and youth are entitled to have access to the same educational experience and resources as all students.


Homeless Youth are entitled to:  

  • Immediate enrollment in school without a permanent address, immunizations, school records or other papers.
  • Continue in the school that the student attended before becoming homeless (school of origin).
  • Go to school, no matter where the student lives or how long he/she has lived there.
  • Enroll and attend classes while the school arranges for the transfer of required school records or documents.
  • Enroll and attend classes even while the school and parent/student seek to resolve a dispute over enrollment.
  • Receive transportation to his/her school of origin as long as he/she is homeless, or if the student becomes permanently housed, receive transportation until the end of the academic school year.
  • Participate in tutoring, school-related activities, and/or receive other support services.


Tips and Facts Regarding AB1806 Homeless Students:

Who Qualifies: Any homeless student who transfers schools any time after the completion of the student's second year of high school. Exemption applies to coursework/requirements in addition to statewide requirements (unless student is reasonably able to complete the requirements by the end of their 4th year of high school).

Transfer of schools after second year: Must have completed two years of high school and cannot be considered until after their sophomore year.

Length of eligibility: Once a student is found eligible, they remain eligible, even if they transfer schools again. A student may not be required to transfer schools in order to qualify for the exemption.

Reconsideration: If a student previously declined the exemption, the student may request the exemption at a later time.

Who decides: Within 30 days of the date that the student may qualify for this exemption, the student (and parent/guardian, if the student is under 18) shall be notified, along with the homeless liaison.

Must meet state graduation requirements:

English - 30 credits

Math - 20 credits

  Algebra/Integrated Math - 10 credits
  Other Math - 10 credits
Science - 20 credits
  Biological Science - 10 credits
  Physical Science - 10 credits
Social Studies - 30 credits
  World History - 10 credits
  US History - 10 credits
  American Government/Civics - 5 credits
  Economics - 5 credits
Visual or Performing Arts, Foreign Language, or Career Technical Education - 10 credits
Physical Education - 20 credits
Electives - 0 credits
Total: 130 credits
Reference www.rcoe.us


Additional Information and Resources 

US Department of Education offers the full text of the McKinney-Vento Act.

California Department of Education lists website resources related to homeless students' rights to enroll and participate fully in school.
National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth Generates awareness of the educational and other needs of children and youth experiencing homelessness is an important first step in ensuring that eligible students receive the services and supports they need.
Homeless Programs through Riverside County:

Homeless Shelters:



2-1-1 / 24 Hour Resource: