Departments and Sub Departments » Student Services » About



Meet the Staff


Dr. Bobbi Burnett
Director of Student Services
951-845-1631 x005345
Jessica Romo
Office Manager
951-845-1631 x005345

Heather Wade
SIS Manager
951-845-1631 x005331
Jeanne Barraza
Clerk III
951-845-1631 x005182
Maria Barron
Clerk III
951-845-1631 x005354
Richard Rossano
Student Services Coordinator
951-845-1631 x005347

Amanda Fernandes
Student Services Coordinator
951-845-1631 x005415
Christina Lynch
Counseling Coordinator
951-845-1631 x005392

Rosa Lozano
Enrollment Specialist
951-845-1631 x005346
Edgar Garcia
Student Attendance Technician
951-845-1631 x005358
350 W. Brookside Avenue
Beaumont, CA 92223
Phone: (951) 845-1631
Fax: (951) 845-1573