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Student Attendance Review Board



Our Mission at Beaumont Unified School District is that children between the ages of 6 and 18 years to attend school.

Our goal is early interventions, and to stop, prevent and intervene.

The School Attendance Review Board was established in 1975 by the California legislature for the purpose of:

  • Making a better effort to meet the needs of students with attendance or behavior problems.
  • Keep students and parents OUT of juvenile courts. Students with Chronic attendance problems are referred to SARB.

The SARB process begins at the school site where they will invite the parents to a SART meeting to discuss attendance.

SART (School Attendance Review Team) will attempt to meet with parents to identify possible solutions to improve attendance.

Failure to attend the SART meeting will result in a referral to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB). The SARB meetings are held at the Educational Support Facilities.

The SARB committee can include the following agencies:

  • Probation
  • Law enforcement
  • Parents and/or other community representatives
  • Community-based organizations
  • Student Services Director
  • District Attorney's Office
  • Health Representative
  • Mental Health Counselor
  • School Administrator
  • Children and Family Services

SARB further surveys available community resources, determines the appropriateness of their services, and makes recommendations to meet the needs of referred students.

SARB seeks to understand why students are experiencing attendance and behavior problems which have not been resolved.




The School Attendance Review Board (SARB) is designed to intervene when a school district identifies students who have problems with school regularly. SARB is a community-based effort to bring together resources to assist families with attendance and truancy issues. The SARB level is the district’s last chance to keep students and families out of the court system.

A serious attendance problem often begins with a few unexcused absences. Counselors, teachers, nurses, school police officers and a school attendance review team may be brought in to help students at the school site level. When the school has exhausted all resources and a student's attendance has not improved, then a family may be referred to a SARB hearing.

Education Code 48200: Students between the ages of 6 to 18 must attend school full time, unless otherwise exempt.
Education Code 48260 (a) – Definition of Truant

Any pupil subject to compulsory, full-time education or to compulsory continuation education who is absent from school without valid excuse three full days in one school year or tardy or absent more than any 30 minute period during the school day without a valid excuse on three occasions in one school year, or any combination thereof, is a truant and shall be reported to the attendance supervisor or to the superintendent of the school district.

Chronic Absenteeism: Missing 10% or more of school in an academic year (BOTH excused & unexcused absences). For example: In a 180 day school year, missing 18 days of school.
We are required by law to have school attendance procedures as well as consequences for school non-attendance. Every school at Beaumont Unified School District follows the same procedures for our SART/SARB interventions.

It is very important when you move or change your mailing address that you notify the Attendance Clerk ASAP so that you receive school information.

Christina Martinez,
Parent/Community Liaison


If you would like to know our policy on excused absences please click on file:


Click on link below to get great facts, information or helpful ideas for attendance.

Attendance Works!!
Want to know more abut S.A.R.B.?


  •  Your children can suffer academically if they miss 10 percent of the school year or about 18 days. That can be just one day every two weeks, and that can happen before you know it.
  • Sporadic absences, not just those on consecutive days of school, matter. Before you know it – just one or two days a month can add up to nearly 10 percent of the school year.
  • Attendance matters as early as Kindergarten. Studies show many children who miss too many days in Kindergarten and first grade can struggle academically in later years. They often have trouble mastering reading by the end of third grade.
  • By middle and high school, chronic absence is a leading warning sign that a student will drop out.
  • Too many absent students can affect the whole classroom, creating churn and slowing down instruction.
  • Families should avoid extended vacations that require your children to miss school. Try to line up vacations with the school’s schedule. The same goes for doctor’s appointments.

Helpful Forms & Information: